Project Overview
Airware is a project aimed to address the critical issue of air pollution and its impact on public health. With a focus on innovative design, the project explored the development of a user-friendly air quality monitoring system to raise awareness and provide actionable insights for individuals in both LEDC (Less Economically Developed Countries) and MEDC (More Economically Developed Countries). The project's core was to use technology as a tool to combat air pollution and enhance air quality awareness globally.
Air pollution is a pressing global issue, contributing to millions of premature deaths annually. Despite its severity, public awareness and understanding of air quality information remain low, particularly in LEDCs. The challenge was to design a solution that could bridge the knowledge gap, offering real-time air quality data in an accessible and actionable manner to users worldwide, regardless of their geographical or socio-economic status.
The Process
The design process began with extensive research, including secondary analysis of air pollution's health impacts and primary research through surveys to gauge air quality awareness. Insights from this research informed the development of user personas and journey maps, highlighting the need for a solution that is both informative and intuitive. Ideation sessions led to the generation of multiple concepts, focusing on product, service, and experience. These ideas were refined through peer feedback and manufacturability research, ultimately converging on the development of a wearable air quality monitor that balances functionality, affordability, and user experience.
The Solution
The final solution is a screenless air quality monitor, designed to be non-intrusive and accessible to a broad audience. The device leverages advanced sensors to provide real-time air quality readings, communicated to the user through simple color-coded signals. 
The design emphasises sustainability, with recyclable materials and a user-friendly interface, ensuring the product is both environmentally friendly and easy to use.